General Accident.
The General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation is signalizing its Jubilee year by issuing accounts for the year nded December last showing further advance in the......
The Report Of The Legal And General Assurance Society Shows
that there was a general expansion in business last year. The net new life and sinking fund assurances increased to £16,063,498 compared with £13,111,703. Annuity business was......
* . * Purchasing Power.
One point made by Sir Frederick seems to me of particular interest, and is one which I fancy will be appreciated by all concerned in retail business. Sir Frederick was referring......
Army And Navy Stores.
As usual, the Annual Meeting of the Army and Navy Stores was rendered of particular interest by the excellent character of the Speech delivered by the Chairman,......
A Good Industrial Result.
The report of Babcock and Wilcox Limited thoroughly justifies the recent declaration of a dividend of 8 per cent. for last year against 6 per cent. for the net manufacturing......
Union Castle Progress.
In these days of shipping depression it is encouraging to note that the Union Castle Mail Steamship Company presents a very satisfactory report for last year, the profits......
Lancashire Steel Recovery.
One of the features of the past week has been the publication of the report of the Lancashire Steel Corporation covering the year ending December 31 last. It is a most......
A Hundred Years Ago " The Spectator," April 26th, 1835.
MONEY MARKET. The English Funds have risen slightly since our last report. With the removal of the fear of political agitation, that confidence so necessary to the development......