[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Allow me to enter a mild protest against a paragraph in last week's issue under the heading A Spectator's Note- book," where Janus says, referring to a ball to be given during the . actual period of the Assembly • sitting, that " it denotes a striking breadth of mind on the part of the Church authorities to lend their approval to what many of their predecessors would have regarded as so carnal a fixture in the week of their spiritual transactions." The ball advertised to be held in aid of the King's Jubilee Fund has no connexion with the General Assembly of the Church, and the Church authorities have never been asked to give approval to it. It is to. be held, not at Holyroodhouse, but in the "Assembly Rooms, George Street," which have no connexion with the " General Assembly " beyond the coincidence of name. Possibly this may have led Janus to the mistaken inference referred to.—I am, Sir, yours, &c., J. G, SUTHERLAND.
Junior Clerk of General Assembly. Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh.
[Janus writes : (1) I am grateful for the correction as to the locale of the ball. (2) I did not state that it had any actual connexion with the General Assembly. (3) I am assured on the best authority that leading members of the Church of Scotland were consulted as to whether there would be any objection to a ball at such a time and expressed the view that there would not.]