* * * The Needs of the Schools In his
presidential address to the National Union of Teachers at Scarborough last Saturday, Mr. J. W. H. Brown pleaded for a " new deal " for education. He was right when he said that the claims of education do not receive the attention that they should do in Parlia- ment or from any' of the political parties. There are -policies for industry and agriculture ; there is no policy for education, and few signs that politicians are interested in it excepting in so far as it raises economic issues. But there is much that cries out for attention. Classes are too big. Buildings are in many places inadequate and generally ugly. Playing fields are needed. There should be closer co-ordination between the elementary and secondary schools. And last, but not least, it must be recognized that progress in education depends on the quality of the teaching, and that, in turn, upon the recruitment of men and women of high-- mental and moral equipment.