Hospitals and Milk The statement by the Central Bureau of
Hospital Information that the voluntary hospitals last year had to spend £43,000 more on milk owing to the new control scheme, is a serious fact, to which Sir Hilton Young might very properly draw Mr. Elliot's attention. The object of the scheme was, of course, to ensure the farmers an adequate price, but its effect, as everyone knows, has been so to stimulate production as to make it difficult to find outlets for the milk available. The arrangement for increased consumption in schools, for example, was made as much in the farmers' interests as the children's: There is a strong case for extending similar benefit to the hospitals. Milk in adequate quantities and of high quality is indispensable for them. If they are compelled in the interests of economy to reduce their orders still more milk will have to be diverted to manufacturers at a lower price. It would be better business all round to let the hospitals have their supplies at au intermediate figure.