26 APRIL 1940, Page 12

"The German invasion of Norway, with its minute preparations, its

orders distributed by traitors to paraly-,e the defence services and its soldiers disguised as commercial travellers disembarking at ports to begin fighting, all indicate a new method and a special mentality. This mentality separates Germany from the rest of the world. For the Swiss, the Germany of today is simply incomprehensible_ Gazette de Lausanne.

"Each day that passes makes more painful the sad situation of Norway—the victim of an unjustified and violent aggression. Without a declaration of war and using military forces disguised as tourists, Germany lays waste with blood and fire an independent nation with the object of utilising her ports. In Narvik a fight is taking place between the invaders and the national defenders with the help of the British Army. From no viewpoint does this aggression constitute a feat. Norway is a country with a small popu- lation and weak defences and a peaceful people who never thought that they might fall victims to a regime of violence." —El Mercurio (Chile).