26 APRIL 1940, page 2

News Of The Week It He Appointment Of Deputy-chiefs Of

Staff for the three services and the transference of Sir Charles Craven from the Admiralty to the Air Ministry to speed up produc- tion are moves that will substantially enhance......

The Danger To The Dutch East Indies

When Scandinavian countries were invaded by Germany concern was immediately felt in the United States about Greenland, through which there was some danger that the war would be......

Trade Talks With Russia

When Russia invaded Finland there could be no question of pursuing the Anglo-Russian negotiations then in train regarding a trade agreement between the two countries Any......

Hitler And The German People

In his St. George's Day speech Mr. Duff Cooper went further than is altogether wise in declaring that "this series of crimes which had made a horror of Europe were not the......

Mr. Lloyd George At Carnarvon

Mr. Lloyd George's jubilee, after fifty years' representa- tion of Camarvon Boroughs in Parliament, would not have been complete without the warm tribute that was paid to him......

A New Move In India ?

The - debate on India in the House of Commons last week has had repercussions of some interest in India. For the Opposition, Mr. Wedgwood Benn, Secretary for India in the last......