26 APRIL 1940, Page 17


SIR,—A definitive edition of the Collected Letters of William Makepeace Thackeray is being prepared by Mr. Gordon N. Ray for publication by the Harvard University Press. The edition is authorised by Thackeray's grand-daughter and grand- son, Mrs. Hester Thackeray Fuller and Mr. T. D. Ritchie, and the great mass of unpublished letters and diaries in the possession of the family has been placed at the editor's dis- posal. Other holders of important 'Thackeray correspondence are also co-operating. Mr. Gordon N. Ray would be glad if other possessors of autograph Thackeray letters would com- municate with him at the Widener Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts.—Yours faithfully, , H. S. MILFORD. On behalf of the Harvard University Press. Oxford University Press,

Amen House, Warwick Square, London, E.C.4.