26 APRIL 1940, Page 26


IT was recently recorded in our columns that the first question put to a certain candidate for a commission in the Guards was, "Do you hunt?" Prizes of book tokens for £2 25. and LI is. are offered for the best list of similar questions to be put to candidates for posts in any five of the following: (1) The B.B.C., (2) A Cochran chorus, (3) Somerset House, (4) Mr. Churchill's secretariat, (5) The Archbishop of Canter- bury's secretariat, (6) Haw-Haw's entourage, (7) the staff of Old Moore's Almanack, (8) the staff of The Spectator.

RULES.—Envelopes should be addressed to the Editor, The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.1, and marked "Com- petition No. 33." Entries must be delivered by first post on F'riday,. May 3rd, 5940. No entries can be returned. Readers are invited to submit suggestions for future competitions.