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Henceforward, in accordance with an arrange- ment concluded by the Press generally in view of the paper shortage, no copies of The Spectator will be supplied to retail newsagents on the normal " sale-or-return " basis. That means that the news- agents, who cannot afford to have unsold papers left on their hands, will take only so many copies as they are certain of selling—in most cases only those which purchasers have definitely ordered.
In such circumstances we appeal urgently to readers to consult both their own interests and ours by either placing a definite order for The Spectator with a newsagent or ordering it direct from this office, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C. i. In spite of the increase in postal rates the special terms fixed for the present emergency stand: 2S. for four weeks ; 6s. 6d. for thirteen weeks ; 13s. for twenty- six weeks ; 26s. for a year—post free in all cases. Please order, one way or the other, now.