26 APRIL 1940, Page 31


[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the s,■!der of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to he opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword Puzzle," ay.! should be .received no: later than first post on Wednesday. No 0:-.-elopes will be opened before noon on Wednesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner v.;:l be published in our next. issue. Envelopes containing solutions Thus: bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]

ACROSS 1. Fortune gets them (8).

5. "Correctly turned "All Sir -" (6).

9. Producers of German currency? (8).

to. Wine in ciphers (6).

12. No longer thoughtful? (9). 13. Numbers without a begin- ning (2 words) (2, 3).

54. Musical old soldier (6). 17. "Sick for home, She stood in tears amid the - corn" (Keats) (5).

20. A card that is sounded (3). 21. He is put out to grass, so to speak (6).

24. Burlington House in drink (3).

25. Not a very progressive kingdom (9).

28. "Come on," said the Italian (6). 29. Too innocently roguish (8).

30. Sheridan's musical comedy (6).

31. Evidently the crew can't go afoot (2 words) (3, 5).

DOWN 1. Shakespeare's home-spuns (6).

2. It is written (6).

3. Priest's residence without buttons (5). 4 Resin (5).

6. A hanger-on (9).

7. Whatever else it may be it isn't an eye-opener (8).

8. Not much of a price on this head, it would seem (8). gratis out?"

II. People who can't stand reading should be (6).

55. Fowl that makes print no go (9).

16. "Thou art - to the spheres, And of the courts of heaven art free" (Wat- son) (6).

28. Deer ; it doesn't seem to have been very stable (8).

59. The vagabond has an alternative to gate crashing (8). 22. Nor up to order for a king (6).

23. He's in a mess (6).

26. A lot is gone when it finally comes down (3).

27. It's handed on ; no doubt, just now, the owner would be glad to have it handed back (3).