26 APRIL 1957, Page 26



1 Just the vessel for drinks at the bird-table (6). 4 Know about a little brook? It produces music (8).

9 Burns asked for his pint in a silver one (6).

10 No invitation to help oneself freely to a weapon (5, 3).

12 List? 0, well it's not quite finished (8).

13 Nelson would have appreciated this trans- lation (6).

15 A very smart store, if untidy (4).

16 Nora's play pen? (5, 5) 19 Kingsley's novel advice to a young man, as it were (8, 2).

20 A hundred rushed to get the fish (4).

23 Gift of money? Thanks, it's only on loan (6). 25 Moab's air in terms of food and drink (8).

27 Spring iris (8).

28 Beat of jazz music with direction (6).

29 Stepping loudly? (8) 30 Room for an armchair-planner (6). DOWN

1 . . the - sieges, fortunes That I passed' (Shakespeare) (7). 2 Stevenson's Modestine possibly takes alter- natives (9).

3 Rugger ends up (6).

5 Girl of the battlefield (4).

6 The Peer and the Pen i (8).

7 Depart for the holidays (5).

8 Old Noah gets round an excavation for a men- tion (7).

11 You can see my hat if you open the car windows (7).

14 Chemistry in the Infant Department? (7) 17 Ring up Sis (anag.) (9).

18 Most of 28 was in the van (8).

19 Turkey produces these fragrant blossoms (7).

21 Relations are ensconsed in a cosy spot (7).

22 Implement of flattery when freely used (6). 24 Eyebrow expert? (5) 26 Estrange a little one (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for One guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on May 7 and addressed: Crossword No, 937, 99 Gower St., London, WC1.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.

Solution on May 10 Solution to No. 935 on page 559 The winners of Crossword No. 935 ate: Trig REV. H. J. LANE SMITH, 48 Cornmeadow Lane, Worcester, and THE REV. G. K. HORLOCK Jones, The Rectory. Shaftesbury. Dorset.