26 APRIL 1957, page 4

The Liberal Tide

By RICHARD H. ROVERE New York rTIHE President's budget is the big subject of controversy here. Everybody, including the President, professes to be shocked by the size of......

Shop Talk

ONSERVATIVE MPs ought to have been duly embarrassed when they read a speech by Mr. Walter Padley, MP, in favour of the Government's Shops Bill; for Mr. Padley defended the Bill......

Spring Thaw

T HE publication of Marshal Bulganin's correspondence with Sir Anthony Eden over Suez and the sending of another long letter to the present British Prime Minis- ter, together......

Makarios Intelligence

TEN THOUSAND people filled the Constitution Square. News Chronicle, April 18. FtFry THOUSAND Greeks in Constitution Square. Daily Mail, April 18, MEANWHILE Constitution Square......