26 APRIL 1975, Page 6


Sir: As a member of SOGAT, employed part time by the MNG (Mirror Newspaper Group) I take exception to gilL Grundy's derogatory remarks about elderly SOGAT members and their union (Spectator, April 12).

He wrote of the 300 members over sixty-five, mostly part-timers, as being -... geriatric gentlemen ..." and implied that their union Was at fault in not withdrawing their cards," . . unlike other unions".

Why shouldn't a man have the opportunity to do a little work if he is still capable? The state pension is never enough. Moreover, the state benefits, in many cases, by being able to deny the pension until seventy has been reached.

I am proud of our union. In a lifetime of work I have been in several other unions and I can truly say that I have met with more brotherliness in this printing union than any of the others; and SOGAT's care for their older members is commendable.

did think of challenging Mr Grundy to a race around the block but on secono thoughts I'll try to put him right on the use of the word "geriatric." This is a ' jumped up,' fashionable, misused adjec tive, not found in older dictionaries; it is a bastard derivation of "Geratology," and means . . "the medical and hygienic care of, or the diseases of, aged persons." That's a fine thing to call a man willing and able to work!

William Overton 59 Sandford Avenue, Loughton, Essex