26 APRIL 1975, page 6

Sir Keith's Whiggery

Sir: Whilst reading with interest Mr Jamieson's article: 'The Whiggery of Sir Keith Joseph' (April 12), I am forced to disagree with some of the points he makes. Mr Jamieson is......


Sir: As a member of SOGAT, employed part time by the MNG (Mirror Newspaper Group) I take exception to gilL Grundy's derogatory remarks about elderly SOGAT members and their......

Educational Levelling

Sir: Alec Stanley (April 12) utters the very "envious howls of the egalitarian left" mentioned by Dr Boyson. Envy used to be called a deadly sin, meaning deadly to those who......

Oil Future

Sir: Lord Balogh recently announced in the House of Lords that government income from North Sea oil could be as much as £4,000 million between now and 1980, together with some......


From the Dean of St Paul's Sir: Mr Nicolas Walter's courteous letter (April 19) calls for some reply from me. He suggests that my comparison between the evidence for the......

Sans Everything

Sir: Seeing No 853 (Test question) Competition in The Spectator for the week ending April 5, I was reminded of an incident in my life about the age of five when I was poorly,......

Pnvate Guest

Sir: As we were given to understand that Mr Shelepin was here on a private visit as a private guest of the TUC, we should now be told how much the continual police escort and......

Scientic Thrills

Sir: Bernard Dixon states (April 12) that the Rutherford haboratory is seeking £25 million, with which it intends to promote further research into the structure of matter.......


Sir: If The Spectator can steel itself to read through an apparent heresy and then read on, I'd like to commence by saying that Tony Benn is on the right track; but with his......

Information Please

Sir: I have been appointed by the Shaw Estate as authorised biographer of George Bernard Shaw, and would like to hear from any readers who have letters or information that might......