26 APRIL 2003, Page 32

Unhappy hookers

From Milica Pesic Sir: Phelim McAleer ('Happy hookers of Eastern Europe', 5 April) failed to provide a balanced range of views. As an organisation which specialises in reporting on vulnerable groups in different parts of the world, including Eastern Europe, the Media Diversity Institute has been aware of the issues of sex-trafficking for years.

Of course, it is true to say that many women are not 'tricked' into becoming prostitutes; they know when applying that the job description for a singer/dancer will entail more than just singing and dancing. But when they 'chose' to become prostitutes they did not choose to have their passports taken away, to be severely — often violently — maltreated, sold, or to receive far less than the promised $300 a month from their managers.

If 'sex-workers' are denied basic human and civil rights — not to mention the employment rights enjoyed by other workers — then they are effectively slaves, and definitely not 'happy hookers' as your headline suggested.

Milica Pesic Director, Media Diversity Institute, London NW1