26 APRIL 2003, page 32

Short Memory Syndrome

From Mr Allan Massie Sir: Paul Johnson (And another thing, 19 April) quotes President McKinley's assur ance to a delegation to the White House that he had prayed `to Almighty......

Leslie's Largesse

From Mr Raleigh Trevelyan Sir: As A.L. Rowse's executor and neighbour, I certainly can agree that he could behave outrageously (Books, 29 March), but he was also kind and......

Unhappy Hookers

From Milica Pesic Sir: Phelim McAleer ('Happy hookers of Eastern Europe', 5 April) failed to provide a balanced range of views. As an organisation which specialises in reporting......

Resisting The Euro

From Mr Harold Green Sir: It seems that, in order to get their hands on extra cash from the EU, certain anti-euro MEPs are pawning their ability to effectively promote the......

The Grandest Larceny

From Mr Tom Sackville Sir: Rod Liddle (The day of the jackals', 19 April) appears to make the following accusation. A group of art-dealing Republican party supporters/backers......

Our Friends The French

From Mr Peter Hammett Sir: I was interested to see that Peter °borne writes (Diary, 12 April), 'Much less confidence . . . reposes in the officers. They are being made up by the......