26 AUGUST 1837, Page 10


Arrived—At Gravesend, Aug. 23d, Trusty, west; Inglis, Wise; and Euphrates ; Beckham, frorn China; Sarah, Newby; and Ellen, Dixon, from New South Wales; and London. Lamb. from the Cape; 24th, Bolton, Compton ; Roberts. Elder ; and Bengal, Marjoram, from Bengal. Off Falmouth. 24th, Broke, Bleasden, from Bom- bay. At Liverpool, 20th, Barbara. Beasley; and Endes. Smith, from Bombay ; 21st, Dement, Nash, from Singapore ; 22t1, Adams, Miller, from Bombay ; and 24th, shauuon, Welders, from Ditto. At St. Helena, Earl Grey, Adamson; and Patriot, , from Manilla. At the Cape, Jane 711,, Peyec, Stewart, from Liverpool; 12th. Doke of Sussex, Horseman ; and 18th, Addingleim, —, from London. At New South Wales, April 211, Thomas Lowry, pulley ; Sarah and Elizabeth, Davison; Caroline, Williams; and Brol hers. Towns, from Londom.

Sailed--From Gravesend, Aug. 19th, Berkshire, Clarkson, for Bombay. From Liver- pool. 19th, Syria. Currie, for Bombay ; 22d, Caledonia, Liddle, for China; Bland, Callen, for Bengal ; and Elizabeth, Ilighat, for Bombay.