26 AUGUST 1837, page 13

Government By Her Majesty's Conservatcve Opposition.

THE Whig and Tory journals honour us with so much of thei r notice just now, that we cannot but pay them some attenti on in return. The Times, the Standard, and the Post, have......

The S Peake Rsh I P.

Ins Tories, it seems, would like to put Sir EDWARD SUGDEN into the chair of the new House of Commons ; and they are said to be talking about it quietly. We believe that the......

The Italian Opera.

SPITE of the elections, which have occupied the attention of play and especially of opera frequenters during the past month, the Italian Opera lingered on till last Saturday,......

The Theatres.

Tim luckless Lyceum is a second time abandoned by its manager, and the company again left to their own resources. BuNN, following the example of ARNOLD, has beat a retreat. To......