Business continues to improve both in the cloth-halls and in
the warehouses of Leeds, more goods having been cleared out during the last ten days than for the two months previous. Notwithstanding this, there is no improvement in price. The very low price, however, at which goods are now selling, holds out so strong a temptation for sr.. culation, that we have little doubt that business will still further im. prove in a short time; and the result may be fairly anticipated, that from the present low price of wool fair remunerating prices may be obtained. —Leeds Mercury.
The distress which has existed to such a degree in Bradford, during the last few months, has nearly abated. Most of the firms have taken , on their old hands to either full or partial work ; and it is to be hoped / there will be no further occasion to appeal to the generosity of the public.—Halifax Express. The cotton trade of Oldham is evidently progressing and improving, though in a small and slow degree. None of the mills are working short time, and numbers recently out of employment are again in work. —Manchester Times.
It is in contemplation to construct a sbip.canal between Manchester and Liverpool. A number of highly.respectuble and influential gen- tlemen connected with the commercial interests of this town, seeing the value and importance of such a project, have liberally offered to provide the pecuniary means for making the necessary surveys now in progress, with a view to ascertaining its practicability, and laying the scheme fully before the public.—Manchester Times. We are happy to hear that there is a revival in the iron trade; an advance of 11. per ton took place last Monday.—Bristol Mercury.