Lady Lyttleton, Earl Spencer's sister; leas been appointed one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber, the number of whom is now complete.
Lord Stanley has been visiting the doleful Baronet at Netherby, and is now in Scotland. His scowl relaxed, the other day, at the Falls of the Clyde. There is a story about Mr. Hodgson giving up his seat for Berwick to make room for Sir James Graham. Another story is, that this act of self-devotion to the interests of the Tory party is to be per- formed by Mr. Peyton, of Woodstock.
Mr. Spring Rice intends shortly to leave town for Mount Trencherd. The Earl of Chesterfield, with Count Bathiany on the box, drove the Taglioni to Windsor on Wednesday.
The Duke of Portland and his daughters have arrived at Fullerton House, in Ayrshire, whither Lord William Bentinek has gone to make one of a family party.