On the 19th lust., in Curzon Street, the Lady of JAMES STEWART, Esq , of a BOIL On the 13i I, inst., in Arlington Street, the Lady Ma ny Stryeitystsosr, of a daughter. On the 11th lust., at Gledhow hall, near Leeds, the Lady urfuomas 13xxvolv, Esq., of a (laughter. On the 9th iust.. the Lady of C. M. C vt,neeorr, Esq.. Bengal Civil Service, of a son. On the 23i1 inst., in Queen Square, Guildford Street, the Wife of RICHARD HEATH. PULP, Esq., Barrister.attLaw, of a son. On the 21st inst., in Lower Brook Street, tlie [Ion. Mrs. A RTIIUR HUNCOMBE, of a daughter.
On the 20th inst., the lion. Mrs. Ka NYON or a daughter. On the 29th ult., at Burrudale. Mis. MA cOuN A T.n, of Glenaladale, of a st,n. On lit' 14th inst., at the Manse of nodal ni. Mrs. MENZIES, of a son. On the 13th lust., at the Manse of It uthyeti, Banffshire, Mrs. GARDINLR, of a
daughter. MARRIAGES.
On the 22d inst., at Trinity Church. the Rev. CHARLES LESLIE, eldest son of the Lord Bishop uY El thin, to LOUISA MARY, second daughter of Major General the lion. Sir Henry King, K.C.B. On the 24th inst., at the_parislachurch of St. Marylebone, LODOE, Esq., to the Right Hon. Lady HARRIET MANNERS SUTTON. On the 23,1 inst., in St. George's Church, Hanover Square. THOMAS STEELE, A.B., of Edgewoithtown, Ireland, to SOPHIA ANN, daughter of the late Captain THOMAS WARD Bowsrin,of the Bengal Rstablishment. On the 234 inst., at Newdigate, Sorry, HENRY THOMAS Lae, Esq. of Dynas Pow is, Clamorganshire, to CATHERINE FRANCES, fifth daughter of James Shudi Broadwood, Era.or Lytle, Surry. on the 21st., at Kensington, S. A. Rom BALL. Esq.. of the Middle Temple, Barrister- ai'Law, to SARAH YORKS, youngest daughter of the late C. Hutchins, Esq., of Clayton. On the 19th inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square, GEORGE RUSSELL, Esq., of Liver- Pool, son of the late Alexander Russell. Esq. of Aden, Aberdeenshire, to OLIVIA, INHOW of the late Lister Ellis, Esq., of Liverpoo.1, and daughter of Thomas Garforth, N., of Steeton Hall, Yorkshire. ft On the 15th inst., at Barehill, the Rev. HENRY BREWSTER, of Farnell, to MARY hfir,daughter of the late Captain David Valentine, R.N. On the 19th inst., at 51arylebone Church, Mr. 3'. ALLEN, of Stamfoil hill, to JANE eldest daughter of Mr. C. Murray, of Uxbridge.
On the 22,1 inst., at Elderslie, Ockley, Sorry, CarmanNa HSZGOR, daughter of George Arbuthnot, Esq., in her 14th year. On the 26th of June, at Peter's flail, Demerara, in his 17th year. E 11W s an, only soa of Francis Bowen, Esq., of Downing Street. he fell a victim to the y ellow fever. On the 19th of August, at Banbury, Mosaic, Halmos, Esq., iu lit. 52d year. On the 17th her residence, The Wood,Windermere. DoaoraY, eldest daughter of the late Dr. Richard Watson, Bishop of Llandeff. On the 12th ult., on board the ship Ann, on his passage from Jamaica, Dr. GEORGE WILLIAM TOWTON, Of Lucite.
On the 1311, inst., in Hanover Square, after a lingering illness, OSGOOD Gar, Esq. in his 42,1 year. On the 19th inst., at Edinburgh, HENRY SIDRALD, Esq., W.S. On the 23,1 inst., at Norbury House. Nurrv, Ric:nano SANDERSON, Esq. On the 13th iust., in his 50th year Mr. YAWLS M A gym of Ot fun', in the county of Kent.
On the 19th inst. at Harrogate, CHRISTIAN, relict of the late James Riley, Esq.. of Abbey House, Bermondsey, in her 76t11 year. On the 21st inst., at his seat. Moor House, Limpstield. Sorry, Rear-Admiral RonERT G aM111ER Ittlitin.srox, lately one of (lie COIDIIOSSioWla of the Pi On nb..7:1: in ft., tit Lfz.Ittr„ LtNNIN6,rsq., 1;eueral accomptant of Excise for Scotland.
On the 10:1i inst., at Marina Cottage, Portobello, Major WILLIAM MILLER, late Royal Horse Guards (Blue), in his 65th year. On the 0th inst., at Edinburgh, EtazaBETH, the wife of Dr. Pagans, and daughter of the late Dr. 5I•Kentie of Irvine.
On the 19th inst., at Great Ealing, Middlesex, CHARLES RAY LADE, Esq., surgeon, in his 34th year.