Persons wishing to send newspapers abroad should be apprised that
the direction should always be written, without any printing whatever. Byan act of the 1st of Victoria, cap. 34, which came into operation ou the 1st instant, those anomalies respecting the conveyance of news- papers, so much and justly complained of, have been entirely removed. The following is an extract from the table which forms the 28th sec- tion, regulating the rates of postage for printed British newspapers within the United Kingdom. "By the General Post from one post town to another within the United Kingdom, free. By the General Post, and delivered by any Penny or Twopenny Post, free. By any Penny or Twopenny Post, and afterwards passing by the General Post from one post town to another, free. By any Penny or Twopenny Post, and not passing or intended to pass the General Post, ld. each. By the General Post of a post town, addressed to a person within the limits of that place or its suburbs, Id. each. Between places within the United Kingdom, by private ships, ld. Between the United Kingdom and her Majesty's colonies, by packet-boats to arty of her Majesty's colonies and possessions beyond the seas, free. By private ships, ld. each."