The English Stock Market was steady till yesterday; the price of Consols ranging from 86 to 86;. Yesterday morning, when it became known that P. liament would separate without granting a large vote of credit to be applied to feed the Irish, the price rose to 86;; and after some downward fluctuation, the upward movement recommenced today, when the price reached 86i; the market closing firmly at the highest quotation, viz. 86a 1. Until yesterday morning, it was expected that the Bank Directors would raise the rate of discount at their weekly meeting; but when the proceedings in the House of Commons became known, this expectation was at an end. Money continues abundant at the rata noticed in our last report.
The transactions of the Foreign Market have not been important. Some pur- chases have occurred in Portuguese Bonds; and as the market was almost bare of Stock, a few bargains have produced a great effect. The price of the Four per Cents has consequently been as high as 20;. Mexican and South American Stocks continue nearly at our last quotations. Some few transactions have oc- curred in Dutch and Russian Bonds; and the better class of European Stocks seem to be rather improving. The Railway Share Market may be considered as firmer: the fall in the prices of the principal lines seems to be arrested; and in some cases, as in Midland, where an advance of between Si. and 61. has occurred, prices have improved. There is, however, apparently no disposition for large investments in the depre- ciated lines.
The plan proposed by the French Government for the appropriation of the Paris and Lyons Railway is of two kinds. The first is, to grant to every holder of shares upon which 10/. or 230 francs have been paid, an amount of 7 franca 60 cents Five per Cent Rentes; and to return the payment of 1/. or 25 francs, recently made upon such shares, upon which 11/. or 275 francs have been paid. The second is, to grant to such shareholders as shall signify before the 1st of September their determination to pay up the remaining 250 francs upon each share in five instalments of 50 francs each, commencing on the 5th October next, and extending by intervals of three months to the 5th October 1849, an annual rente of 25 francs Five per Cent Stock for each share; a certificate of 5 francs rents being receivable upon the completion of each of the above-named payments of 50 francs.
The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 19th Attgu, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following multe--
BaNKIN3 DEPARTMENT. Increase. Decrease.
Rest Public Deposits
Other Deposits
£864,704 Seven-day and other Bills 13,185
Government Securities, including Dead-weight..
Other Securities 5,840
Notes unissued
77,890 Actual Circulation 147,610
Notes issued 69,720
Bullion 6,556
This week. Last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 13,371,547 13,364,991 Actual Circulation 18,313,315 18,165,725
The announcement made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the course of his financial statement last night, that he should supply the deficiency of the revenue by an issue of Exchequer Bills to the extent of 2,000,0001. or the crea- tion of a like amount of Stock, has made a decided change for the worse in the English Stock Market. The first price of Consols for Money was 86,1, and it has since been as low as 8q both for Money and Account; thus marking a de- cline of i per cent from the closing prices of yesterday. The present quotations are 83; 6 for Money; and 86h for Account: the appearance of the market being firm. The Foreign Funds are unchanged. The only transactions as yet recorded in the Share Market are the following: Caledonian, 22i a; South-western, 41; South-eastern, Thirds, No. 4, 7;; Paris and Lyons, 10/. paid, 4-1.
3 per Cent Consols 85/ 6 Danish 3 per Cents 68 70 Ditto for Account 861 Dutch 24 per Cents
44 5
3 per Cent Reduced 861 Ditto 4 per Cents 70 1
31 per Cents
861 1 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 164 17 Long Annuities
New Grenada 114 124 Bank Stock 1961 84 PortugueseN.4 perCents1842 194 201 Exchequer Bills 25 35 pm. Portuguese Old 1824 65 8 India Stock
RUSgfUl 5 per Cents
99 101
Brazilian 5 per Cents 69 71 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 111 121 Belgian 41 per Cents 69 72 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
Buenos Ayres 20 3 Venezuela 15 18 Chllian 6 per Cents 83 6
An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 19th day of August 1848.
Notes issued E26,763,645 Government Debt £11,015,1f0
Other Securities 2,904.900 Gold Coin and Bullion 11,873,483 Silver Bullion 890,160 £16,763,643 £16,763,643 BANKING DEPARTMENT.
Proprietors. Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities, (In-
Rest 3,608.790 eluding DeadWeightAnnuity)E12,462,755
Public Deposita. 4,545,098 Other Securities 50.8e2s1e
Other Deposits 8,375,089 Notes 8,460,310 Seven Day and other Bina ... . 1,101,209 Gold and Sliver Coln 607,902 L32,383,906 C32,333,903
• Including Exchequer,Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.