The Trials For Sedition At The Central Criminal Court...
yesterday; exciting little interest: George Snell, shoemaker, and James Maxwell Bryscn, dentist, were found "Guilty.......
The Ocean Monarch, An American Emigrant-ship, Left...
having on board 399 persons, crew and passengers. She had not advanced more than fairly into the Irish Channel before she took fire, and in a few hours was barnt to the water's......
Paris Was Quiet Yesterday, But Apprehensive. It Was...
the de- bate on the evidence of the Inquiry Commission would originate serious commotions. The advices of yesterday evening, sent by express, report M. Learn- Rollin's speech in......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCIIANOE, ENDA: Arratanoon. The English Stock Market was steady till yesterday; the price of Consols ranging from 86 to 86;. Yesterday morning, when it became known that......
Tiortality In The Metropolis.
Results of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last— Number of Summer deaths. average. ZymotIc Diseases 354 .... 257......