26 AUGUST 1848, Page 21


Tuesday, August 22.


S. and W. Collier, Old Brampton. grocers-Davies and Goodger. Regent Street, chemists-T. H. and G. lUdsdale, Wakefield, stock-brokers-Ridsdales and Co. Leeds, gook-brokers-G. and E. Woolcott, Doughty Street, builders-Brez and Bevin, Chester, woollendrapers-Hartley and Co. Thorntree, Halifax, merchants-J. and J. Hampton, Glossop, grocers-Hoyies and Aston, Huddersfield. cloth-finishers-Rickard and Pri- &Aux, Liskeard, surgeons-Stevenson and Hall. Addle Street, manufacturers-Bottom- ley and Berneastle, Croydon, surgeons-Hodgkineon and Macnish, Manchester, yarn- agents-Robinson and Co. Wakefield, worsted-spinners-Moss and Reilly, Liverpool, oeal-merchants-Bathe and Brasfield, Warrington, wine-dealers-J. 3. and It. Beres- told, Lea Bridge, victuallers-W. and H. Cave, Manchester, engravers.


GREENWOOD, JOSEPH and BENJAMIN, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners. BANKRUPTS.

Burr, EDWARD, Croydon, Ironmonger, to surrender Aug. 31, Oct. 6: solicitors, sbudiand and Long, Bouverie Street; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchin Lane. FoLErri, MICHAEL, Upper Somerford Street, Mile End, looking-glass-manufacturer, Aug. 31, Oct. 6: solicitors, Mr. Taylor, Pavement, Finsbury Square official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basingball Street. Hoe'rov, Jana, Plymouth, builder, Aug. 3t, Sept. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Surr and Gribble, Lombard Street; Mr. Elworthy, Plymouth ; Mr. Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hemmen, Exeter. KIRKHAM, JOSEPH, Liverpool, builder, Sept. 5, 25: solicitors, Messrs. Keightley and Co. Chancery Lane ; Mr. Holden, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Turner, Liverpool.

Bleeps, SAMUEL, Brompton, coal-merchant, Sept. 2, Oct. 7: solicitor, Mr. Tan-ant, Bond Court, Walbrook ; official assignee, Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court. Moaners senior and junior, JOHN, Hereford, woolstapiers, Sept. 7, Oct. 3: solleltonr, Messrs. Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Veto:, Birmingham. sasiz, THOMAS, Box, quarrymaster, Sept. 4, Oct. 10: solicitor, Mr. Bishop, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars; official assignee, Mr. Hutton, Bristol. SIIITH, EDMUND, Slide, 'isle of Wight, brickmaker, Sept. 7, Oct. 3: solicitors, Messrs. Westmacott and Pinniger, John Street, Bedford flow; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place. THoMAS, WALTER, Liverpool, bootmaker, Sept. 5, 25: solicitors, Messrs. Dean and Son, Essex Street; Mr. Clare, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. WEST, WILLIAM, Stroud, builder, Sept. 5, Oct. 10: solicitors, Mr. Brisley, Pancras Lane; Mr. Wetchell, Stroud ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol. WESTLAKE, Joins, alias Crispy, JOHN, Tavistock, cattle-salesman, Aug. 31, Sept. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Baker and Co. Lime Street ; Mr. Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hernaman, Exeter.


Sept. 12, Dodgson and Bradbury, Bishopsgate Street, ironmongers- Sept. 12, Richard- son, Union Street, Spitalfieids, glass-dealer-Sept. 13, Fry and Co. St. Mildred's Court, bankers -Sept. 12, Hanks, Great Surrey Street, shoemaker-Sept. 19, Weiss, Liverpool, musicseller-Sept. 18, Morris, Liverpool, victualler.


To be granted, unkss cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Sept. 18, Sugden, Thomas Place. Gravel Lane, Southwark, stone-mason-Sept. 18, Cost, Clapton, publisher-Sept. 12, Baxter, Hartford, innkeeper-Sept. 15, Every senior, Lewes, tronfounder-Sept. 15, Sternberg, Northampton, wine-merchant-Sept. 15, Peirce, Southampton, saddler-Sept. 8, Keen, Hillingdon, brickmaker-Sept. 15, Pert- gal and Brady, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street, wine-merchants-Sept. 8, J. and J. Trevers junior, Gloucester Place, Old Kent Road, carpenters-Sept. 13, Foyer, New- castle-upon-Tyne, hatter-Sept. 14, Smith, Macclesfield, railway-contractor-Sept. 13, Beckfonl, Plymouth, retailer of beer-Sept. 13, Jewell, Beeralston, Devonshire, boot- maker-Sept. 15, Smith, Halifax, worsted-spinner-Sept. 12. Bade, Audlem, Cheshire, maltster-Sept. 13, Redman, Liverpool, livery-stable-keeper-Sept. 13, Hignett, Liver- pool, tobacconist-Sept. 13, Woodyat, Whitton, Northwich, joiner.

To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. 12.

Bass junior, Ipswich. painter-Young, Bristol, grocer-Medwin, Holland Street, Clap- ham Road, engineer-Brooks, Vineyard, Lane Street, Surrey, earman-Jullien. Harley Street, musicsener-Pritchard, Harewood, Hertfordshire. innkeeper-Mayer, Burslem, earthenware-manufacturer-Edwards, Nag's Head Court, Gracechurch Street, iron- monger-Harris, Leominster, cattle-dealer.


Ruberry, Darlaston, Staffordshire, lock-manufacturer; first div. of 8d. any Thursday after the 8th Oct. ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham-Norton, Birmingham, stationer; first dlr. of 3s. 3d. any Thursday after the 8th Oct.; Mr. Christie, Birmingham,


Turnbull, Glasgow. merchant, Aug. 28, Sept. 18-Gordon, Inverness, builder, Aug. 29, Sept. 18-Gibson, Inverness. leather-merchant, Aug. 93, Sept. 13-Campbell, Dei- sts, Ayrshire, sheep-dealer, Aug. 25, Sept. 19-Ron:and and Dunlop, Glasgow, mer- chants, Aug. 25, Sept. 15.

Friday, August 25.


Henderson and Co. and W. Henderson and Co.- -Corlett and Stevens, London, ac- countants-Everett and Co. Millwall, Poplar, coopers-Cordingley and Co. Manchester, joiners ; as far as regards J. Cordingley-Merryday and Co. Malvern Wells, painters- Ball and Co. Liverpool, merchants-Woods and Osman, Little Distaff Lane, warehouse- men-Hill and Mills, St. Martin's Lane, woollendrapers-Newstead and Wilkinson, York, attornies-Hyde and Wheeler, Abingdon, linendrapers-Hartley and Foster, Lin- coln, millers-Black and Co. Monte Video, merchants-Hyde and Leete, Oxford, wool- lendrapers-Bentley and Co. Warrington, ironmongers-Wray and Soyland, Hull, dra- pers-Mackintosh and Co. and O'Dwyer and Co. Liverpool, merchants-White and Staten Coal Company; as far as regards L. Whitchureh-King and Co. Southampton, brewers-Sabel and Co. Broad Street Buildings, merchants ; as far as regards N. Cohen.


BARLOW, WILLIAM, and BRADBURY, THOMAS, Manchester, tailors, to surrender Sept. 7, 29 : 15011eitOrs, Messrs. Milton and Co. Southampton Buildings ; Mr. Moseley, Sian- cluster; official assignee. Mr. Powdrell, Manchester. Curs, Elapses-Tit, and CURTIS, THOMAS JOSEPH, Aylesbury, plumbers, Sept. 8, Oct. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Hindmarsh and Son, Crescent, Jewin Street ; Mr. Parrott. Aylesbury ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. Drarsow, ARCHIBALD, Narbeth, Pembrokeshire, grocer, Sept. 7, Oct. 5: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Smith, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Stiller, Bristol.

GREEN, JOSEPH, Hormsdon, Hertfordshire, blacksmith, Sept. 4. Oct. 10: solicitor, Mr. Buchanan, Basinghall Street ; official assignee, Mr. Canaan, Birchin Lane. HuTCHENS, HENRY, Portsca, timber-merchant, Sept. 13, Oct. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Watson and Sons, Bouvetie Street ; Mr. Devereux, Portsmouth ; official assignee, Mr. Groera, Abehurch Lane.

LINBAcH, FREDERICK, Hull, shlp-chandler, Sept. 6, Oct. II: solicitors, Messrs. Bell and CO Bow Church Yard ; Mr. Sidebottom, Hull ; official assignee, Mr. Carrick, Hull. SPMerms, TERENCE BELLEW, Liverpool, commission-age:IL:Sept 18, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Moline and Co. New Inn ; Mr. Yates junior, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Cszenove, LtverpooL Idiecnsw, HANNAH, Bilston, grocer, Sept. 2, 28, solicitors, Mr. Williams, Bilston ; Messrs. Motteram and Co. Birmingham: official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. MoIGAN, DAVID HEATHOTE, Peckham Walk, Old Kent Road, coal-merchant, Aug. II, Oct. 6: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Flews, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchin Lane. Perri:sots, JAMES, North Shields, shipowner, Aug. 31, Oct. 6: solicitors, Mr. Wasy, North Shields; Mr. de Medina, Crosby Hall Chambers ; official assignee, Mr. "akleY. Neweastle-upon-Tyne. Pane, Wardell, Lewes, clothier, Sept. 7, Oct. 10 solicitor, Mr. King, North BaildinP. Finsbury Square ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Frederick's Place,

Stinson, Joule, Tadcaster, Yorkshire, corn-dealer, Sept. 5, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Elndlow and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Babe, Tadcaster ; Mr. Crabs, Leeds ; official aaidgnee, Mr. Young, Leeds. Saltsit, STET-Epp Tnouss, Nottingham, wine-merchant, Sept. 8, Oct. 6: solicitor, Mr. Cowley, Nottingham ; official assignee, Mr. Bittleston, Nottingham.

8°MIERs, EDWARD, Motcombe Street, Belgrave Square, baker, Sept. 7, Oct. 10: solicitors, Mr. Martin, Salisfury Square, Fleet Street ; Mr. Hull, Uxbridge ; official IS-Mame% Mr. Groom, Abchnrch Lane. • _ iTuzlsert, WILLIAM, Bun House Place, Chelsea, liverystable-keeper, Aug. 31, Oct. 6: tor, Mr. Garry, Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Bashighall Street. °.Wsurza, EDwARD FOAM, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner, Sept. 5, 29 soli- sons. Sir. Singleton, Great James Street ; Mr. Barrett, Bradford; Messrs. Barrett, Leads ofliciat assignee, Mr. Freeman, Ikea&


Sept. 19, Withers, Rambridge, Hampshire, merchant-Sept. 19, Webb, Miry Bt. 2d- mund's, draper.


lb be granted, unkss cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Sept. 15, Rush, Mylne Street, Claremont Square, cattle-dealer-Sept. 19, Haddock, Bury St. Edmund's, pawnbroker-Sept. 18, Terry, Shoe Lane, quill-merchant-Sept. .19, Kelly, Cannon Street, coal-merchant-Sept. 27, Penwarden, Launceston, saddler- Sept. IS, Hollis, Liverpool, tea-dealer.

To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. 15.

Hyde, Newcastle-under-Lyme, printer-Swan, Brentwood, innkeeper-Jukes, Great Winchester Street, tailor-Burr, Bentinck Street, Manchester Square, upholsterer- Harrison, Nottingham, stove-grate-manufacturer-Naish and Giennie, Farringdon Street, ironmongers-Wetton, Crown Row, Mlle End Road, fiour-factor-Townsend, Hungerford Market, lishmonger-Yeates, Monmouth, draper-Dean, High Street, Southwark, jeweller-Notting, Poole, currier-Bevan, Bridestow, Devonshire, tanner- Simons, Trowbridge, general-dealer-Vowles, Compton Bishop, Somensetshire, teazle- dealer-Radenhurst, Birmingham, eating-house-keeper-Blenkam, Chancery Lane, law-bookseller-Beale, Cadoxton, Glamorganshire, grocer.


Auld, Bonnyhead, corn-dealer, Aug. 31, Sept. 28-Dalgaints, Dundee, merchant, Sept. 1, 22 -31'Clymont, Glasgow, wright, Aug. 28, Sept. 16.