The Daily News has published the letter of its Special
Com- missioner in Bulgaria, detailing and amplifying his telegrams. It is useless to go over the catalogue of horrors again, but we must mention that the writer and Mr. Schuyler saw with their own eyes the school-house and the remains of the girls burnt in it,— the story which Mr. Disraeli persistently denied. He adds that the Bulgarians maintain their school-houses themselves, in spite of the opposition of the Government, by a voluntary tax ; and that they are honest, hard-working people, who build solid stone houses, and who in Batok at all events struck no blow, "not a single Turk being killed here." In one place two hundred girls, after being outraged, were taken into the open, beheaded, and left to rot. "Mr. Disraeli was right when he wittily re- marked that the Turks usually terminated their connection with people who fell into their bands in a more expeditious manner than by imprisoning them. And so they do. Mr. Disraeli was right. At the time he made that very witty remark, these young girls bad been lying there many days."