Religious Belief.
[TO Tan Elms OF THE " spsoTAToa..] Sin,—When the public has hardly escaped from the dreary dis- cussion of School Boards, upon which even your pages have cast neither the......
"NATIVE LAND" Oun arms obey no despot's nod, Nor gleam with carnage-glory ; We tread the steps our sires have trod, We guard Britannia's sacred sod, We keep her grand old story.......
MR. BROWNING'S LAST POEM.* THERE is, we fear, no . more fatal sign of intellectual deterioration than the substitution of scorn for reason, and it is a mortifica- tion to those......
Remission Of School Fees.
[To ma EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—It seems to be taken for granted that by the repeal of the 25th Clause of the Education Act of 1870, in addition to the 'enactment of the......
Is Selfishness Policy?
[Our duty at this critical moment is to maintain the Empire of England.—Speech of Mr. DISRAELI, August 11, 1876.] ENGLAND speaks and Europe listens,—what doth England say? From......