Smoot BOOKEL — A Universal Geography. By the Rev. Thomas Milner. Revised
and brought down to the present time, by Keith Johnston. (Religions Tract Society.) There is a convenience about the plan of this book which recommends it. It includes divisions of the subject which are often separated, but which it is certainly useful to see at once. The "four parts" of which it consists are "Historical, Mathematical, Physical, and Political." Mr. Keith Johnston's name is sufficient guarantee for the accuracy and completeness of the book. We may mention, among the matters not generally to be found in such works, an account of the Australian exploration. As a high -class school-book and for general students, the Universal Geography is to be recommended.—Together with this, we may mention, In "Dr. William Smith's English Course," A School Manual of Modern Geography, Physical and Political, by J. Richardson (Murray), more specially adapted for the use of schools. It seems a very complete and carefully executed manual.—We have also received the Analysis of Bacon's Advancement of Learning, by J. P. Fleming (Longmans), a distinguishing feature and excellence of which Is that, where occasion demanded, it has been illustrated and explained from the "De Angmentis Scientiarnm," in which Bacon's maturer thoughts are to be found.—In the series, 4l Epochs of English History," we have England a Continental Power, by Louise Creighton. (Longmans.) The title is not, perhaps, an altogether happy one, seeming to point to a much later period when, under the Tudors, this country began to make Its weight felt abroad. Still, it is in one sense strictly correct, as a glance at the map which gives the "dominions of the Angevin Kings" will suffice to show. The King of England in those days owned more of France than did his suzerain, the titular king. The period included Is exactly 150 years, beginning with the Conquest and ending with the Magna Charts, and it is well sketched in simple language.
In "Bell's Reading-Books we have Andersen's Tales. (Bell and Sons.) It was a happy idea to introduce these delightful guests into the school- room. Imagination is one of the chief wants of the children who use these books, and is withal no insignificant sweetener and purifier of the mind.—In the "Annotated Poems of English Authors," edited by the Rev. C. T. Stevens and the Rev. D. Morris, we have Oliver Goldsmith's Traveller, editions in eloth and paper respectively.—A selection from Madame de Steels Dix Annees d'Exil is one of the books given for the Cambridge Local Examination of this year, and appears edited by M. Gustave Masson. (University Press, Cambridge.) Some fragments of contemporary poetry are added.--Easy Lessons, or Self-Instruction in lrish, by the Rev. Alick J. Bourke (McGlashan and Gill, Dublin), has sufficient testimony to its merits and usefulness in the fact that it has reached a sixth edition.—We have also to mention Logical Praxis, comprising a Summary of the Principles qf Logical Science, by Henry N. Day (Putna n, New York) ; and in " Chambers's Elementary Science Manuals," Myt wlogy, by A. S. Mnrray (W. and R. Chambers.)