26 AUGUST 1882, Page 1


irr is now clear enough,—as we hinted last week,—that Sir Garnet Wolseley did not intend to make anything but a feint on Aboukir. The ships steamed into Aboukir Bay only to steam out again a few hours later, and proceed as fast as possible to Port Said, with the view of occupying the Canal. This was effected on Sunday, a good part of the Suez Canal having already been occupied by weak parties of sailors or soldiers in anticipa- tion of this movement ; and the whole length of the Canal from Port Said to Suez is now in our possession, as well as a small section of the fresh-water canal which runs between Cairo and Nefisheh,—the section running for five or six miles towards Cairo from the latter place. This fresh-water canal has been dammed by the Egyptians higher up, so that the water in it is diminishing, but still an ample quantity for the present supply of the troops has been secured.