26 AUGUST 1882, page 2

Mr. Cavendish Bentincls, Speaking On Monday, At White-...

to his admiring audience that it was he himself who had suggested to Sir Stafford Northcote that witty application of the phrase used by one of the Witches in Macbeth, — " A......

We Regret To See A Very Unexpected, And, As It

seems to us, a very ill-advised letter from Sir Charles Gavan Duffy to Mr. Gray (the High Sheriff), in which, after remarking somewhat peremptorily on the Crown's challenges,......

Another Very Malignant Murder Was Committed At Scarteeu,...

on Sunday, by a party of " Moonlighters." John Leahy, an old man of great respectability, who had been a sort of bailiff under Lord Kenmare, but bad latterly given up all......

The Discussion Has Been Going On All The Week As

to the charges brought by Mr. O'Brien in the Fi-ecrnan's buried 1 against the jury in Hynes's case, for intemperance on the night before the verdict. For our own parts, we do......

Sir Stafford Northcote Made A Little Speech At...

Monday, in which he encouraged his followers to believe that the Conservative part is not yet "played out," and that the Conservatives have still a great work to do in political......

Mr. Parnell Has Established A Labour League, The Object Of

which is to be to win for the Isiah labourers advantages propor- tionate to those gained for the Irish farmers. The labourer is to have his plot of ground and his decent......

Sir Stafford Northcote Also Made A Querulous Little...

Weymouth on Thursday. He congratulated the town on Mr. Gladstone having paid it a visit, without having done it any damage at all. He could not help thinking that if, in passing......

Mr. Trevelyan, The Secretary To The Lord-lieutenant Of...

been making some good speeches in Ulster. He has declared, in the most explicit way, at Belfast, that "the fixed policy of the present Irish Government is to draw a deep line......