The horses are bridled, the girths are tight.
Will you ride once more ? Then to horse and away ; One more ride with me, Moon, I pray, One more ride by the Kabul river, Before we are parted, perhaps, for ever.
Riding is good in this glorious weather Even though this is our last together.
Laila says "Yes." So as fast as we may Let us jump on our horses and off and away. The sunshine streams from the clear blue sky ; The Pampas grass shakes as we gallop by, And the jackals hide in the jungle grass, As the thundering hoofs of our horses pass.
The mild-eyed buffaloes sleepily stare As we cleave, like an arrow, the rushing air.
(Had they seen such lunatics anywhere ?) Lunatics ? Lunatics P Well, who knows ?
Though man proposes, the Gods dispose.
It's only a very fond foolish loon Who sobs out his soul for the golden Moon, And it's only a fool who cries out against Fate, When The Finger has written "Too late, too late ! "
Gallop, let's gallop whate'er betide, For it's not too late for a glorious ride Through grassy glades where the long reeds quiver Down by the.banks of the Kabul river, Galloping, galloping all the time To the sobbing music of Gamu's rhyme.
Gamu wrote it and rhymed it. Aye, But we have ridden it, you and I.