[to Thu Editor Op The "spectator."] Sm,—allow Me To Thank
you for the timely and admirable article on the recent crisis in the cotton industry which appeared in your columns on August 19th, and to express the hope that you will......
How It Strikes An Australian. Iii.—the King.
T O give a reason for this paper it is necessary to explain that in Australia we know no Kings,—excepting, indeed, those few and aged superseded monarchs whose rank and title......
Sta.,—in Your Issue Of August 19th You Remark In The
" News of the Week," re Russia and Japan, that the chiefs of the Russian Court "still think that Japan is approach- ing exhaustion," &c. This idea, it would appear, exists also......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."] Sir,—anglo-indian...
accustomed to be corrected by the superior wisdom of English journalists ; but the particular piece of folly with which you charge them in your article on "Russian Illusions"......
[to Thy Editor Op The "spectator,"] Sir,—the Writer Of The
second leading article in the Spectator of August 19th speaks of the end of autumn as "always the most convenient time" for a Dissolution of Parliament. This is a very singular......