Sre,—Towards the end of your article "The Military Unity of the Allies" which appeared in your issue of August 12th, you refer to a possible reaction on the part of the German people against the Hohen- zollern dynasty. Although it will be none of our business, when the war is over, to dictate to the German people as to the manner in which they should deal with their rulers, may I suggest that meanwhile we should take all necessary steps to ensure that the German people are correctly informed as to the origin of the war ? With this object in view, I suggest that the diplomatic and other correspondence which passed between the Powers concerned, immediately before the outbreak of war, should be printed in German and published in convenient form in order that copies thereof may, at all convenient times and places, be distributed broadcast by the Allies among the German-speaking peoples : in other words, let the documents speak for themselves. If this be done it is possihle that the truth, for once in a way, may become known to the bulk of the German people.—I am, Sir, &a.,