Henry James. By Rebecca West. (j. Nisbet And Co. Is.
net.)— This spirited little essay, in the "Writers of the Day" series, is worth reading for two reasons. It recalls to one's mind many of Henry James's earlier stories that one......
English Influence On The United States. By W. Cunningham,...
(Cambridge University Press. 4s. f3d. net.)—In these six lectures. delivered in America in the autumn of 1914, the Archdeacon of Ely illustrates a much-debated theme from his......
The Scienee Of Musical Sounds. By A. C. Miller. (macmillan
and Co. 10s. &I. not.)—Professor Miller, of Cleveland, Ohio, describes in this book his new method of photographing sound-waves by means of a " phonodeill," and gives many......
Au Change Here By Charles G. Parsons. (simpkin, Marshall,...
Co. 3s. net.)—A collection of amusing stories and sketches, profusely illustrated, published by the author in aid of the funds of the Russian Red Cross. With each copy is given......
L'addly Pools. By Miles Malleson. (hendersons, Charing...
little fairy play in which Mr. Malleson sots forth the ideal of a world purified by universal love. It is written with a good deal of poetic feeling.......
Russia At The Cross-roads. By 0. E. Bechhofer. (kogan Paul,
Trench, and Co. 5s. net.)—The main proposition of this intelligent but somewhat dogmatic book is that Russia must secure the Dar- danelles if she is to develop as a European......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice this columns does not sweessar4y preclude subsequent review.] Stories of the Border Marches. By John and Jean Lang. (T. C. and E. C. Jack. 5s. net.)—This is a very......
The False Dmitri. Described By British Eyewitnesses....
E. Howe. (Williams and Norgate. 6s. net.)—The " false " Demetrius, the Perkin Warbeck of Russia, claimed to be a son of Ivan the Terrible, and was thus a contemporary of James......
Vagrant Memories. By William Winter. (hodder And...
"Personal Recollections" by the well-known American essayist and biographer, this time referring more particularly to people and things of the Stage in America and in this......
Rem:usu. Novxes.—the West Wind. By Katharine Tynan....
6s.)—An attractive little story, but to the mere Protestant the morality of the end seems more than doubtful.— The Woman Who Lived Again. By Lindsay Russell. (Hurst and......