26 AUGUST 1916, Page 11


(To THE EDITOR OF T " SPECTATOR:1 Slit,—The most remarkable definition I have come across was in volume published a few years ago. I quote it from memory, so may not give the exact words, but very nearly so. " Grahame's Dyke, the Wall built by the Romans between the Forth and Clyde. So-called from a Caledonian of the name of Grahame being the first to leap over the Wall after the Romans had left Britain" I This feat, I imagine, a record in " high-jumps " which still stands 1 It is interesting to

Imow the characteristic cautiousness of the Scot had already developed at this early period. Mr. Grahame was a man who "took no risks." Not only did he delay his athletic performance until the Romane had abandoned the Wall, or until they had evacuated Caledonia, but, canny

man, until they had cleared out of Britain am, Sir, &o.,

R. B.