[TO Till EDITOR OF THE SPROTATO SIE,—The President and Council of the British Academy would be much obliged if you would kindly find place for the enclosed notioe.—
With the view of maintaining and encouraging the study of Greek, particularly among the young, in the national interest, Lord Cromer has founded an Annual Prise, to be administered by the British Academy, for the best Essay on any subject connected with the language, history, art., literature, or philosophy of Ancient Greece. The first annual prize, of £10, will be awarded before the end of 1917, under the following rules :- 1. Competition is open to all British subjects of either sex who will be under twenty-six years of age on 1 Oct., 1917. 2. Any such person desirous of competing must send in to the Seem- tary of the British Academy on or before 1 Dec., 1916, the title of the subject proposed by him or her. The Academy may approve (with or without modification) or disapprove the subject ; their decision will be intimated to the competitor as soon as possible.
3. Preference will be given, in approval of subjects proposed, to those which deal with aspects of the Greek genius and civilization of large and permanent significance over those which are of a minute or highly technical character.
4. Any Essay already published, or already in competition for another prize of the same nature, will be inadmissible.
5. Essays of which the subject has been approved must be sent in to the Secretary of the Academy on or before 1 Oct., 1917. They must be typed (or, if the author prefers, printed), and should have a note attached stating the main sources of information used.
6. It is recommended that the Essays should not exceed 20,000 words, exclusive of notes. Notes should not run to an excessive length. 7. The author of the Essay to which the prizo is awarded will be expected to publish it (within a reasonable time, and after any necessary revision), either separately, or in the Journals or Transactions of a society approved by the Academy, or among the Transactions of the Academy. The Secretary of the Academy will supply on application, to any person qualified and &soirees to compote, a list which has been drawn up of some typical subjects, for general guidance only, and without any suggestion that one or another of these subjects should be chosen, or that preference will be given to them over any othor subject of a suitable nature.
Communications should be addressed to "The Secretary of the British Academy, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W."