ErIR,—Will you kindly permit me to make an appeal to the people of our Empire for their generous practical recognition of the invaluable services performed during the present war by the officers and men of every branch of the British Mercantile Marine? It seems to me that the zeal, loyalty and devotion to duty of the personnel of our Merchant Service are eminently worthy of the highest tribute of our admiration and gratitude. Those gallant men who, face to face with every phase of enemy frightfulness, have, day after day, gone down to the sea in ships so that our ocean commerce might be maintained, our supplies of food, and raw material forthcoming, and the transport demands of our Navy and Army fulfilled, have discharged duties of incalculable value to the ultimata achievement of victory.
I cannot conceive any more appropriate testimony to the chivalry and courage of our Merchant Service than the organisation of the most ample facilities possible for the education—preferably for a sea career— of the children of those brave sailors who have lost their lives or who have sustained permanent injury during the process of the war. It will equally be a fitting mark of our appreciation of tho British Mercantile Marine if such a scheme can be extended so as to enlarge the oppor- tunities for the sea training of British boys generally, with the object of eliminating at the earliest convenient moment all aliens from the Merchant Service of the Empire.
It is accordingly proposed by means of Flag Days, and through the generous support of those who can afford to subscribe amounts large or small, to organize a Fund having this definite object in view. The scheme is being promoted under the auspices of the Navy League and the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, and a Flag Day has been proposed to take -place in London on October 4th next. The Lord Mayor of London has given his warm approval to the project, and has very kindly placed the Mansion House at the disposal of the Com- mittee for the purposes of the Flag Day. Flag Days are also being arranged in other large centres in Great Britain, and the scheme will be extended throughout the Dominions and Dependencies during the autumn and winter.
It has been agreed that a portion of the funds raised should be devoted to the education of the children of the men of the Fleet. Tho Com- mittee will be grateful for organizers and helpers in every borough and town in the country, and all communications relating to the Flag Days should be addressed, "The Honorary Secretaries," "The Sailors' Day," 11 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. Subscriptions and donations to the Fund should be addressed to the Honorary Treasurers, Sir Frederick Green and Mr. V. Biscoe Tritton, "Sailors' Day," 11 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.—I am, Sir, Ste., (Signed) BEILESFORD, AdmiraL
Fresident of " Tho Sailors' Day Fund."