Post Office London Directory, 1892. (Kelly and Co.)—It is need-
less to praise this work, which, while it grows bigger every year, is brought out with undiminished carefulness as to details, details so numerous and so varied that it is difficult to imagine how they can all get due attention. The important point of correction and addition up to date is diligently attended to. It is enough to say that the Directory, strongly bound—by-the-way, a thing not to be done without time—gives events that took place not a fortnight before the date of writing this notice (as the election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the London School Board). It would be impossible to do more. It is curious to observe that the publishers offer to supply means for securing the volume against theft. We used to chain our Bibles, now we chain our Directories. We do not see why "Publishers" have no separate item given to them. The reference is : "See Booksellers; Diary Publishers; Engravers; Fashions, Publishers of; Music, &c., Sellers; Photographic Pub- lishers; Printers ; also Printsellers." But under which heading should we look for, say Messrs. Murray or Messrs. Longmans P— Of other periodical publications, we have :--The British Almanac and Companion (Stationers' Company), with its usual variety of information, and The Clergyman's Almanac (same publishers) ; Ifazell's Annual, "a cyclopedic record of men and topics of the day ;" and Showell's Housekeeping Account-Book (J. S. Virtue and Co.), with complete tables of expenditure, hints on household economy, laws relating to masters and servants, &c. Why not add a few blank pages ? This would certainly increase the useful- ness of a book already very serviceable to the housekeeper.