Thomas Betterton. By Robert W. Lowe. (kegan Paul, Trench,...
Co.)—This volume belongs to the series of "Eminent Actors," following the editor's (Mr. W. Archer's) account of Macready. There is a certain appropriateness in the sequence, for......
A Handbook For Travellers In Japan. By Basil Hall Chamber-
lain and W. B. Mason. (John Murray.)—This is a "third edition, revised, and mostly rewritten." Japan is a country which changes as rapidly as any in the world, and books of this......
I Cruise On Frics/and Broads. By Vie Hon. Reginald Brougham
(Ward and Downey.)—A reader may do as he pleases with Mr Brougham's account of his expedition. If he can get through it, it will do him no harm. But he should by all means read......
The Apostle Paul. By A. Sabatier. Translated By A. N.
Haller. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—Professor Sabatier is an orthodox theologian, with an open mind, and, as Mr. Findlay (who has added an essay on the Pastoral Epistles) remarks,......
With Sack And Stock In Alaska. By George Broke. (longmans.)
—This little volume does not require any criticism. It consists of notes published, the writer tells us, in obedience "to the wishes of one who is now no more." It is,......
The Way To Succeed. By W. M. Thayer. (hodder And
Stough- ton.)—Mr. Thayer has some advice to give, and enforces it with abundance of illustrative anecdote. He quotes a saying of one of his heroes, who was asked to describe the......
We Have Received Two Additional Volumes Of The Biblical...
trator, edited by the Rev. Joseph S. Exell, M.A. (J. Nisbet and Co.) One of these completes the Gospel of St. John (chaps. xvi.-xxi.); the other, the two Epistles to the......
A Supplement To Allibone's Critical Dictionary Of English...
vols. By John Foster Kirk. (J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia.) —" The original work," writes Mr. Kirk in his preface, "con- tains the names and enumerates the works of over......
Education And Heredity. By J. M. Guyan. Translated By W.
J. Greenstreet, M.A. (Walter Scott.)—This volume, translated from a posthumous work, is full of interesting matter. It deals with many important questions the answers to which......