We have received two additional volumes of The Biblical Illus-
trator, edited by the Rev. Joseph S. Exell, M.A. (J. Nisbet and Co.) One of these completes the Gospel of St. John (chaps. xvi.-xxi.); the other, the two Epistles to the Thessalonians and the First Epistle to Timothy. Here are nearly fourteen hundred pages, amounting to twice as many of ordinary print, given to three books and a fraction of a fourth, occupying together about one- eighteenth part of the whole of the New Testament. At this pro- portion, we should have not far off one hundred and fifty ordinary- sized volumes for the New Testament alone. In the earlier volumes, the proportion was smaller. St. Matthew and St. Mark, for instance, occupy together about a third of the space given to St. Luke and St. John. A really useful book may lose something of its value by this exaggeration.