Historical Lectures and Addresses. By Mandell Creighton. Edited by Louise
Creighton. (Longmans and Co. 65. net.)—The greater part of these lectures appears for the first time. Of thoso previously published the most striking is that on " Laud's Position in the Church of England." A more able defence of the Arch- bishop has never been penned. It is a serious matter to differ from the judgment of a man of such learning and candour ; but we must own that we cannot see evidence for the grand concep- tion of an English Church here attributed to Laud, and that we do see much that goes the other way. Anyhow, the fact remains that his action roused a fury of hatred against the Church such as has never been known at any other time. Of the lectures now first published we should rank the three on Grosseteste highest. The subject exactly suited Bishop Creighton's genius. Another side of his mind—his power of sympathetic appreciation of other opinions—is to be seen in the essays on " Congregationalists" and " Baptists." To read these along with those that follow them on the Friars will be a most instructive lesson in catholicity of view.