Big Game Shooting And Travel In South - East Africa. By F.
R. N. Findlay. (T. Fisher Unwin. 15s.)—Mr. Findlay saw great quantities of game in the Cheringoma and Gorongoza district of Portuguese South-East Africa. Ascending the Pungwe,......
The Cross In Dark Places. By The Rev. F. Caudwell.
(Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Caudwell's book divides itself into two portions. In one he deals with his experi- ences in some of the poorer regions of......
St. Brighid And Her Times. By Christopher Irvine, M.a....
Figgis, and Co., Dublin. 2s. 6d. net.)—The upshot of Mr. Irvine's paper is that there was no such person as Brighid (commonly spelt Bridget). To this conclusion he is led by the......
The Political Writings Of Richard Cobden.
The Political Writings of Richard Cobden. New Edition in 2 vols. (T. Fisher Unwin. 7s. 6d.)—We do not know that many of these political pamphlets are of abiding value from an......
We Must Be Contsnt To Pass With The Very Briefest
notice over several books treating of special subjects. To deal with them adequately would require a particular knowledge which we have not at command, and, could that defect be......
A Little Brother To The Bear. By William S. Long.
(Ginn and Co. 7s. 6d.)—The "little brother" is the racoon, about whom Mr. Long has many interesting things to tell us, as he has, indeed, about the other animals, birds and......
Historical Lectures And Addresses. By Mandell Creighton....
Creighton. (Longmans and Co. 65. net.)—The greater part of these lectures appears for the first time. Of thoso previously published the most striking is that on " Laud's......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as hare not been reserved for renew in other forms.] War Sketches in Colour. By Captain S. E. St. Leger. (A. and C. Black.......
Concerning Golf. By John L. Low. (hodder And Stoughton. 2s.
6d. net.)—Mr. Low commences his preface with a little story : how A and B, being equal players, were made unequal by B taking to study "one of the illustrated treatises on golf,......