26 DECEMBER 1931, Page 14


Recent details of bird migration on the West Coast of America suggest an interesting problem. It is thought by some observers that the species of bird that spend a part at any rate of the season in California arc steadily increasing. Like other greater animals they have discovered the charms of that incomparable climate. Among these once rare birds, the wild pigeon, thought at one time to be virtually extinct

over a in part of North America, has been seen three times in the last five years by one observer. The wood- pigeon is one of the birds that especially interested Professor Hornaday, the famous Director of the New York Zoo. Many years ago I sent him—through our Board of Works, who co-operated nobly—a dozen fat wood-pigeons from St. James's Park, for which he sent some rare duck as barter, which was the only form of gift permitted to our Government Department. Is it possible that these Californian pigeons are descendants of this immigrant dozen, of whose career I have

had no news ?