26 DECEMBER 1931, page 24

Three Books Of Travel

Memories of Pioneer Days in Queensland. By Mary Macleod Banks. (Heath Cranton. 3s. 6d.) The Traveller's Companion. By Paul and Millicent Bloomfield. (G. Bell and Sons. 7s. 6d.)......

Lord Milner And Mr. Kruger

The Milner Papers : South Africa, 1897-1899. Edited by Cecil Headlam. (Cassell. 30s.) LORD 141II.NER did a service to history and to his own reputation in directing that his......

Villon And His Heirs One Hundred And One Ballades....

7s. 0d.) CERTAIN verse-forms seem to have acquired by some inalienable right the secret of perennial youth. This book is a timely reminder that this royal and ancient form has......