CHOICE BEFORE EUROPE SIR,—Your leader 'Choice Before Europe' appears to
reproach the West for lack of a policy towards a future reunified Germany without suggesting what such a policy might be.
While it is no doubt true that a future Federal Socialist Government would not be as uncompromis- ing as Dr. Adenauer in its relations with Soviet Russia, it remains to be seen whether the German people would welcome reunification at the cost of giving up their freedom of democratic expression and their economic and political links with the West. The fact that millions have fled to the Western zones, leaving homes, property and, in many cases, members of the family behind, would appear to favour the view that the Germans prefer to adhere to the West even at the cost of indefinite partition.
The Russian policy now appears to have a two- fold purpose. In the first place they wish to see the East German Government recognised. Secondly, any withdrawal on their part would be a case of render pour mieux sauter.
The West, unfortunately, is paying the price of Roosevelt's suspicion of British Imperialism which prevented our occupying virtually the whole of Ger- many, as well as Austria and Czechoslovakia after the war.
Having been robbed thereby of the fruits of victory, what other policy can we,,adopt other than to make it clear to the Russians that we shall honour our engage- ments and oppose any threats to our present positions in Germany?
It may not be a very dynamic policy, but there is no reason for undue despondency. The Berliners are maintaining their morale. Let us follow suit.—Yours faithfully, H. G. WATSON 36 Sydenham Villas Road, Cheltenham