The Magic Net Sir,—me. Miles Howard Finds It 'tantalising...
the key to the storehouse of memory should he available to the neurosurgeon and not to me when I want it.' Electrical stiriMlus is not the only key. He will find another if he......
Answers To Chri Stmas Questions
1. (a) Kinematic Viscosity divided by Thermal Conductivity. (b) Measure of hardness. (c) Measure of blackness of smoke. (d) Number in catalogue of works of Mozart. (e) Measure......
Roman Methodist
SIR,—In David Rees's review of John Wesley and the Catholic Church, by John M. Todd (Spectator, December 5), he writes: (Wesley) 'believed in the apostolic succession and. the......
A New Westminster?
SIR,—In the article 'A New Westminster' (Spectator, November 21) I learn the shocking news that West- minster Abbey is to be demolished. My shock is the greater to see the......
The Longest Word
SIR,—The longest word in the English language (Spectator, December 5, 1958, page 827): 'antidis- establishmentarianism' (twenty-eight letters). Really? What about......