ROYAL SOCIETY OF MUSICIAN& The attendance at the hundred-and-tenth anniversary
festival 4ef 'this Society, held on Tuesday in Freemasons Hall, was numerous. The chair was filled by Mr. Palmer, M.P. for Berkshire, in the room of the Duke of Cambridge, the President, who was disabled by a fit of the gout. It appeared from the annual statement of the Society's affairs, that its pre- sent condition is prosperous, and that it prosecutes with efficiency its be- nevolent objects. It supplies comfortable maintenance to eleven old and decayed members, to thirty-three widows and sixteen children; and nine boys and girls are now apprenticed to respectable trades, with each of whom a premium of 251. has been paid. One highly praiseworthy feature of the Society is the economy of its management. Every officer acts gra- tuitously, and even the expenses of the meetings are paid by the Governors out of their own pockets. The collection after dinner amounted to 4581. The evening was enlivened by some good music. Among the invited guests VMS Berlioz; whose health was proposed by the chairman, as a distin- guished representative of the French school of music; and acknowledged by M. Berlioz with modesty and good taste.