Waterford election is to commence on Tuesday next. Mr. Meagher of the Sword, Sir Henry W. Barron, Mr. Costelloe, and Mr. M`Carthy, late M.P. for Cork City, are candidates. Mr.......
Ste Probintts.
Meetings in opposition to the increased Income-tax are becoming general. They have been already held at Liverpool—a very large and influential one, opposing increase, and......
Gbe Liftettopoits.
A Court of Aldermen was held on Tuesday, but no business of interest was done. At a Court of Common Council, on Thursday, a report was received of the successful opposition......
Vlbe Etourt.
THE Royal Family, with the Duke and Dutchess of Saxe-Coburg, re- turned from Claremont to Buckingham Palace on Monday afternoon. Her Majesty held a Court on Tuesday. The Bishop......
Ebates Anti Vrotetbings In Warliament.
Tan Bunenev--Ts$ FINANCES. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Sir Caem.Fs WOOD, Chancellor of the Exchequer, moved the order of the day that the House resolve it- self into a......