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THE Royal Family, with the Duke and Dutchess of Saxe-Coburg, re- turned from Claremont to Buckingham Palace on Monday afternoon. Her Majesty held a Court on Tuesday. The Bishop of Chester and Sir Edmund Head had audiences; the latter to kiss hands on being appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick. Dinners, visits, and the Italian Operaliouse, have helped to pass the week.
Prince Albert was present at the christening of the Marquis and Mar- chioness of Abercorn's daughter, in the private chapel at the Palace, on Wednesday; and stood sponsor to the infant, who was named " Albe;tha Frances Anne."
The Dntchess of Kent arrived from Frogmore, at Clarence House, St. James's, on Saturday. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge arrived at Cambridge House, from Kew, on Saturday. Thursday was the Duke's sevenlv-fourth birth- day. Prince Albert and the Duke of Saxe-Coburg paid visits of con- gratulation. The Dutchess of Gloucester gave a dinner on the occasion, and afterwards an evening party.