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The week now terminating has been destitute of novelty, but on Mon- day there will be strong symptoms of renewed activity. At the Adelphi Mr. and Mrs. Wigan will make their first appearance since the indispo- sition of the former, and this event alone is sufficient to produce a con- siderable excitement among playgoers of the higher class. At the Ly- ceum, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Williams will commence an engagement, and a new piece by Mr. J. S. Coyne, entitled the The I,epreghaun, will be produced. At the Haymarket a drama by Mr. Charles Selby, called The Young Mother, will be represented, and on Tuesday at the same theatre, there will be a variety of performances for the benefit of Mrs. Macnamara, in which Miss Elsworthy will take a prominent part. Lastly, at Astley's there will be a new hippodrama, entitled The Hun- dred Cuirassiers.